Saturday, February 13, 2010

Less is More.

So, recently I was looking at an old classmates BEAUTIFUL wedding photos. Everything seemed so simple, but gorgeous. Who says I NEED a zillion flowers, or some amazing cake, or even a hall for a reception?

Those aren't things that make our day what it's really about.

I'm certainly not saying we don't want these things, all I'm saying is when it comes down to it I don't want to start my life with my husband $20,000 in debt.

Honestly, all I really want is a small wedding off of Lake Superior (which won't happen thanks to the city of Duluth). Who is it really going to hurt to have 100-150 people standing on one SMALL part of the MASSIVE beach? I don't want to have to fork out $1500 to get married on an owed part of the beach, that really isn't as beautiful and open as the spot I like.

Then after the ceremony I want a fun reception. Nothing pricey. Like music, cake, soup and sandwiches! ;)

AND NO ALCOHOL! (seriously, there is always that one drunk guy that has to cause a scene and unnecessary drama. I don't wanna get all Bridezilla, but it's OUR day, not just another drunken night out, SO DON'T BE THAT GUY!! And why would I want to pay for other people to get hammered? Stupid stupid stupid)

Why does is have to be a big deal? Whether we spend $20 or $20,000 at the end of the day I will still me Mrs. Melissa Williams and that's what matters to me.

I've been reading around and finding great sites to keep a wedding under $2000 and these weddings are gorgeous.

I know most of my friends and family will have a hard time believing this, but I'm not making this into a BIG deal. I won't throw a fit if my flowers are the wrong kind, or the color of my bridesmaids dresses isn't PERFECT. That's not what people are looking at. Honestly, WHO CARES!

Anyway, enough for now. My brain has too many thoughts-a-brewin. :]


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